Ten Questions about Hormone Therapy
Hormones + menopause go together like a prom tuxedo and a corsage. And women have endless questions and concerns. How can I stop these darn hot flashes? Will my mood swings make me a homicidal maniac? Should I have hormone replacement therapy? Why don’t men go through menopause?!!!!
Here are some questions that may come to mind and that you can discuss with your doctor at Women’s Health Medical Group.
What is hormone replacement therapy?
Although the jury is out on whether hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is necessary or not, HRT refers simply to hormones that are taken to stabilize and increase a menopausal woman’s hormone levels. These hormones, usually estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, can be delivered in a variety of methods.
Why do some women need HRT during menopause?
For some women, menopause brings with it extreme hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and insomnia. If these conditions are severe enough, HRT can be merited.
Are there things you can do to ease your symptoms?
You can curb some of your symptoms such as night sweats and vaginal dryness with things like lifestyle changes: exercise, relaxation techniques, and a better diet. Lubricants can ease dryness and help with sexual sensation.
What are the risks of HRT?
Hormone therapy is controversial because in some women it can increase the risk of breast cancer, stroke, and blood clots. We can discuss the risks and how they may affect you.
What are the benefits of HRT?
Estrogen has been shown to be very effective in relieving some menopause symptoms, especially hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. Studies have shown that is can also lower a woman’s risk of colon cancer and macular degeneration and help maintain and protect bone strength.
How long would I be on HRT?
The goal would be to have you on HRT for the shortest time possible at the lowest effective dosage. Studies have shown that five years seems to be the dangerous duration, with increased health issues such as breast cancer, blood clots, and stroke occurring more often after that length of time. Family history is also an important indicator when contemplating HRT.
Menopause and possible hormone replacement therapy is a complicated issue. Let’s discuss the pros and cons and your personal situation. Call us at Women’s Health Medical Group, (817) 346-5336 to make your appointment.