What You Should Know About the Aftermath of a C-Section

By henley.tabal
June 15, 2023

C-SectionPregnancy is a beautiful thing, but the thought of giving birth can be scary. Most women are familiar with vaginal births, but fewer women are informed about cesareans (c-sections). C-sections are undoubtedly high-risk operations. Our blog discusses some of the recovery processes associated with having a cesarean birth.

Recovering From a C-Section

Intermittent Pain

You will feel pain after your surgery. The pain can be sharp, burning, or stinging. This pain is at its worst the first two weeks post-surgery and gradually improves over time. However, most women continue to feel pain for a minimum of six to eight weeks. Additionally, most mothers can feel sudden and sporadic pain at the incision site for a year or longer.


You will be in an insurmountable amount of pain. However, a safe recovery requires you to walk 24 hours after your surgery. Walking reduces the risk of blood clotting. It also helps your intestines to maintain balance by stimulating flatulence and bowel movements.

You won’t have to walk far. Most doctors only require that you walk up and down the hallway outside your delivery room. You should walk at a comfortable pace. Initially, you’ll probably walk hunched over due to the pain.

Anti-Clotting Medication

The doctor will prescribe anti-clotting medication to reduce the probability of blood clots developing post-procedure. Heparin is the most commonly administered anticoagulant. If the doctor prescribes heparin, the nurse will inject it into either your outer thigh, outer upper arm, or abdomen. The nurse will alternate between each side of your body for each subsequent injection. You may need to take this medication for several days or several weeks.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

You can’t do certain activities that are likely to put undue stress on your body. Doctors recommend that you avoid using the stairs (at home or in a commercial building) for a minimum of six weeks because going up and down stairs can put excess pressure on your pelvic area, which delays the healing process. You should also abstain from lifting objects that are more than 10 pounds for the same reason.

Seek a Knowledgeable Obstetrician 

Having a cesarean is a challenging experience. It is an experience that affects your mental health and self-image as well as your body. If you plan on having a cesarean or are in the process of recovering from one, it’s critical to have a reputable obstetrician by your side. To speak with a knowledgeable obstetrician in Texas, call Women’s Health Medical Group, P.A. at 817-346-5336.



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