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Prenatal Vitamins and Pregnancy

By Womens Health Medical Group
December 15, 2020

At Women’s Health Medical Group, we sometimes see a woman who has just found out she’s pregnant and she wonders what all the fuss surrounding “prenatal vitamins” is all about. Unlike many questionable supplements out there, prenatal vitamins aren’t some marketing hype put out by vitamin companies; prenatal vitamins help cover various nutritional gaps in ... read more

Keeping Tabs on Your Thyroid

By Womens Health Medical Group
November 15, 2020

Despite being a mere two inches in size, the thyroid gland sure plays a large part in our health. The thyroid produces a hormone that is carried through the bloodstream to every part of the body. This hormone plays a major role in regulating metabolism (the process in which the cells convert nutrients to energy), ... read more

Should You Have Your Tubes Tied?

By Womens Health Medical Group
October 15, 2020

OK, so you’re done with the patter of tiny feet on the kitchen tiles. Or, maybe watching your sister’s two-year-old turn into something other than human, writhing about on the floor of the spice aisle at the grocery store, screaming like a hyena with an abscessed tooth, has firmed up your decision to forgo having ... read more

Gestational Diabetes and Your Pregnancy

By Womens Health Medical Group
September 15, 2020

Many women when they are pregnant have elevated blood sugar levels. But they don’t have a history of diabetes or elevated levels prior to pregnancy. What gives? There’s a good chance the woman has gestational diabetes. In most women, their levels return to normal after delivery, but the condition merits attention. We diagnose and treat ... read more

Obese Couples May Take Longer to Get Pregnant

By Womens Health Medical Group
August 15, 2020

The various health challenges posed by obesity — Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer — are well known thanks to numerous research studies. But now comes another health issue for obese couples, getting pregnant. That is the finding of a study conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. In the study, whose ... read more

Are You Helping Yourself Get Those Annoying Yeast Infections?

By Womens Health Medical Group
July 15, 2020

If you’re a woman, odds are you’ve had at least one yeast infection in your life. Overall, three out of four women will have a yeast infection over their lifetime. While usually harmless, but annoying, infrequent yeast infections are not a big deal. But, if you have frequent yeast infections, we should see you at ... read more

Changes You’ll Have During Pregnancy

By Womens Health Medical Group
June 15, 2020

At Women’s Health Medical Group, a big part of our practice is obstetrics and helping our patients manage the period from conception to birth. In other blogs, we covered what to expect during your first trimester, good stuff to eat and not eat, keys to a healthy pregnancy, and other items. But what about how ... read more

Your Skin Merits Attention, too

By Womens Health Medical Group
April 15, 2020

At Women’s Health Medical Group, we’re all about women’s health. From obstetrics to gynecology, from hormone management to osteoporosis, we’re your resource. But we also are concerned about the overall health of our patients, and one area that is often overlooked is the skin. Now that we’re coming into the prime of summer sun here ... read more

Three Areas for Women to Monitor

By Womens Health Medical Group
April 15, 2020

Every day it seems you hear about a new breakthrough in medical research and care. People are living longer and healthier. Of course, that’s not everyone. At Women’s Health Medical Group, we’re all about women’s health and education about that health. Toward that end, here are three areas of concern for women’s health. Heart disease ... read more

Understanding Your Colposcopy

By Womens Health Medical Group
March 15, 2020

January’s blog discussed Pap tests and the instances of abnormal results. These results usually signal changes in the growth of cervical cells, but they are still usually benign. But they can be a signal of future problems that can lead to cancer. For that reason, we may want to perform a follow-up test called a ... read more

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