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Overcoming Infertility with Intrauterine Insemination

By Womens Health Medical Group
August 15, 2016

At the Women’s Health Group, when our patients are not having success getting pregnant, one of our first, and easiest, treatment approaches is intrauterine insemination. Commonly known as artificial insemination, the goal is to help the sperm reach the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg. It is a less invasive and less expensive option when ... read more

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

By Womens Health Medical Group
July 15, 2016

For many women, it seems our hormones are often out of balance. Uh, PMS anyone? But the reality is that this isn’t the case. Levels may rise and fall, but they are as they should be. When a woman’s hormones are actually out of balance that can be a real problem. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ... read more

Helping Nature Along — Ovulation Induction

By Womens Health Medical Group
June 15, 2016

As part of our infertility services at Women’s Health Medical Group, we offer ovulation induction. Ovulation induction basically is a method to help your ovaries produce multiple eggs during each menstrual cycle. What is ovulation induction? Ovulation induction commonly uses fertility drugs (we use Clomid) to stimulate the follicles in the ovaries to produce multiple ... read more

Gestational Diabetes: What You Need to Know

By Womens Health Medical Group
May 15, 2016

Gestational diabetes is a condition that develops in pregnant women, usually during the second trimester. It and occurs when your pancreas does not make enough insulin to keep your blood sugar stable. The good news is, if it’s treated and managed well during pregnancy, gestational diabetes goes away once your baby is born. If you’re ... read more

Gestational Diabetes Treatment

By Womens Health Medical Group
April 15, 2016

If you have elevated blood sugar levels when you are pregnant, but don’t have a history of that, then you have gestational diabetes. In most women, their levels return to normal after delivery, but the condition merits attention. High blood sugar can make your baby grow too large, which obviously will create issues at delivery. ... read more

How to Stay Sane While You’re On Bed Rest

By Womens Health Medical Group
April 15, 2016

Experiencing a high-risk pregnancy can be stressful and worrisome. But although the term “high risk” may sound scary, it’s just a way for your doctor to ensure you’re getting the extra attention you need to detect and address any problems early on.  A high-risk pregnancy often entails bed rest, which is essential in making sure ... read more

Understanding Ovarian Cysts

By editor
March 15, 2016

Ovarian cysts are not uncommon, although they sound scary. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the ovaries. Most are harmless, while some can be painful and need attention. What causes ovarian cysts to form? Ovarian cysts are particularly common during a woman’s childbearing years. Every month during ovulation the ovaries release ... read more

Sound Information on Ultrasound

By editor
February 15, 2016

Ultrasounds are nothing new. If you’ve been pregnant or have friends who have been, you’ve had one or at least have heard about ultrasounds. Often, the couple is set against finding out the sex of the baby, only to get a glimpse of something that gives it all away during the ultrasound. But do you ... read more

8 Signs Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Properly

By editor
January 15, 2016

The thyroid is a gland in your neck that secretes hormones to help cells and tissues function throughout the body. When your thyroid isn’t working right, it can result in health disorders. If the glad is overactive and produces excessive hormones, it’s called hyperthyroidism. Conversely, when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones, it’s considered hypothyroidism. ... read more

Menopause 101 – Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

By editor
December 15, 2015

The symptoms that come with menopause can be challenging. While some women have few symptoms, other experience a number of changes. Here are some changes that may occur with menopause: Mood Changes You could experience fatigue, anxiety, irritability and crying spells around the time of menopause. Deep-breathing exercises, good nutrition and daily exercise may help ... read more

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